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Sustainable and responsible fashion means several different things. Among other, that the garments are made of good and durable materials and that the garments have high quality and a long lifespan. It also means that the manufacturing has taken place in socially sustainable ways where neither workers nor the environment are exploited or abused.


With thoughtful purchases of fewer but better garments, we contribute to a reduced production of clothing. One of the fashion industry’s biggest environmental problems is the overproduction of garments and the waste of resources, above all from fast fashion and nowadays also from ultrafast fashion. But to some extent also of good clothes, where companies after an excessively large production can be left with unsold goods which, in the worst case, are thrown away in the end.

THE UNs GLOBAL GOALS, Responsible consumption and production (12) and Life on land (15) 

Can we as individuals and consumers make a difference? I want to believe that. That our small actions become like ripples on the water that spread far in all directions. Through awareness of what we actually buy, we can influence our surroundings for the better. I want to contribute in my own way to the UN’s global goals no. 12 and 15, through small-scale produced high-quality garments of primarily ecological materials.


My garments are of high quality and designed to be worn for a long time in different contexts. My belief is that timeless garments are different garments from person to person. That it’s more about finding your own style. That these are garments that we feel lifted and strengthened by. Garments that express who we are or want to be.

”We will never stop dressing, we need clothes just as much as we need food, sleep and a roof over our heads. And we have a need to express ourselves. That’s why I still find meaning in making clothes despite the abundance that exists today. I myself want to dress in clothes that I know where they come from, what materials they are made of and who made them. If, with my garments, I can inspire more people to do the same, I will be truly happy and grateful.”

Take care and care for your clothes and they will bring joy and usefulness for many years to come!

Link to Garment care